Mobile Development

APIDIGITAL SOLUTIONS is glad to launch the new multi-platform mobile development for all smartphones: iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7 and Android. Those are true native device applications (not mobile web apps) which work with synchronized local data and cash in of device capabilities like GPS, PIM contacts,camera, native mapping, push, alerts and calendar.


We can integrate mobile app to attach to smartphone apps (whether they’re written with Objective-C, Android or maybe another framework) to backend applications. This eliminates the add any smartphone app to attach , retrieve, parse and manage local data storage in their apps – from 40 to 70 percent of the trouble in building a smartphone enterprise app.

The Multi-platform Mobile Development allows:

Synchronized Data and straightforward App Integration

Keep the event cost low

Quick to plug

Standards compliant, they’re futuristic to figure with browsers as they evolve.